Pages Home Portable QRP Ops Morse Code Operating Mixed Media NJQRP Skeeter Hunt Suppliers Wednesday , June 14, 2023 Upcoming GQRP events From Enzo : M0KTZ The GQRP Club invites all the QRP enthusiasts to a line-up of QRP activities , to salute the arrival of the new season . Details . below There will be plenty of puny signals out there , starting this weekend , so switch your rig on , get on the bands , fly the QRP flag , and have . fun 17th June , International QRP Day . Almost two dozens Club members will activate the Club callsign G5LOW England together with its regional locators GM5LOW Scotland GW5LOW Wales Gi5LOW Northern Ireland GD5LOW Isle of Man and GU5LOW Guernsey All bands , from HF to UHF , and all modes CW , SSB , AM , FM , and several digimodes throughout the day . Just look