• Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2324

    Updated: 2023-06-30 18:22:16
    UHF VHF Crossed Satellite Yagi Antenna, Automatic antenna switch with Arduino Nano, Homebrew HexBeam Antenna, Basic K3NG Winkeyer, W4ULH Florence Amateur Radio Club, 4W1A Online Log

  • Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2323

    Updated: 2023-06-30 18:22:16
    My Cheap Hexbeam, DXCC Flags , Portable Coaxial Dipole Flower Pot Antenna, Matching transformers for Beverage, Portable T-Match ATU, Hamword Wordle over Winlink,

  • Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2322

    Updated: 2023-06-30 18:22:16
    Home made multiband MOXON, Antennas for HOAs and Apartments, VARAc, Mini-Whip Active Antenna, Homebrew 3CX3000A7 Amplifier, Radio Station WWV, CHU,

  • Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2321

    Updated: 2023-06-30 18:22:16
    Drive-On Antenna Mast For POTA, Shortened 40 meter Vertical for POTA SOTA, The Infamous Attic Dipole, Solar Panel and Ham Radio, RF Toroid Calculator, Stop RFI from Solar PV Systems, CY0S Log Online,

  • Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2320

    Updated: 2023-06-30 18:22:16
    Countries with CEPT Licence, BG2FX Amateur Radios, JBOT QRP linear amplifier, RF Inductor Calculator, DCF77 , JJY, 9X5RU Rwanda,

  • QO-100 with LimeSDR

    Updated: 2023-06-30 18:22:16
    Operating Modes/Satellites/QO-100QO-100 Communications with the LimeSDR Family. LimeSDR can transmit in the expected uplink frequency for QO-100 – which is 2.4GHz – and has a nice reference onboard that makes it relatively stable in frequency aspects

  • Dual-Band X-Frame Shortwave RX Loop Antenna

    Updated: 2023-06-30 18:22:16
    Antennas/ShortwaveA dual band X-frame wire antenna made using 4 turns for response down to 3 MHz or so, and 2 turns (switched) for response up to around 18 MHz. The loop configurations are tuned using common eBay 365 pF tuning caps.

  • It's getting to be that time of year again

    Updated: 2023-06-30 11:16:00
    Pages Home Portable QRP Ops Morse Code Operating Mixed Media NJQRP Skeeter Hunt Suppliers Friday , June 30, 2023 It's getting to be that time of year again When I have to decide what equipment I'll be taking up to Lake George when we return for our annual trip this summer . Undoubtedly the KX3 and the AlexLoop with be the main components , but I'm thinking of also bring the PAR ENDFEDZ and the arborist throw bag to get some wire in a . tree The problem is that I really haven't practiced tossing that thing up into the trees enough so that I don't look like some kind of idiot . Maybe this weekend after I get all the other stuff done that needs to be done and if the weather cooperates I can make my way over to Cotton Street Park , where I go for FOBB and the Skeeter Hunt . There's a lot of

  • What comes down must go back up

    Updated: 2023-06-29 11:35:00
    Pages Home Portable QRP Ops Morse Code Operating Mixed Media NJQRP Skeeter Hunt Suppliers Thursday , June 29, 2023 What comes down must go back up This weekend is a loonnnggg holiday weekend in the USA , as Independence Day is next Tuesday . The company that I work for is also closed on Monday , so it will be in essence , a four day weekend . I am extending that to five , as I will be taking Friday off as . well Last summer , we had to take down our backyard shed , due to damage from branches overhanging from our backyard neighbor . It didn't help that squirrels found openings from the branch damage and seized the opportunity to make our shed their winter home . That , plus age , water damage and rot , it was time to say goodbye to the old . shed A new one is coming on Saturday . However ,

  • Taking things for granted

    Updated: 2023-06-28 09:35:00
    Pages Home Portable QRP Ops Morse Code Operating Mixed Media NJQRP Skeeter Hunt Suppliers Wednesday , June 28, 2023 Taking things for granted Before I start this post , I want to dispel any rumors that all W2LJ does at Field Day is take photographs . Here are two of yours truly actually pounding brass and adding points to the NJ2SP Field Day total courtesy of Mario . KD2HPF Field Day , or perhaps better said , the end of Field Day often causes me to wax nostalgic . That definitely happened this year , and a large part of it was seen in that video which I posted yesterday . Watching Marv K2VHW working ZL4TT in New Zealand brought back me back , in an instant , to something that happened to me , as a newly licensed Amateur Radio operator so many years ago . nbsp A little context Bill W2AOF ,

  • Doublet antenna as vertical T

    Updated: 2023-06-28 07:59:08
    Antennas/WireA transmitting antenna 2x15m, about 100 foot doublet antenna fed by a ladder line of about 600 Ohm. Article in Polish and English,

  • W9 SOTA Association 10th Anniversary Event

    Updated: 2023-06-27 23:39:00
    Pages Home Portable QRP Ops Morse Code Operating Mixed Media NJQRP Skeeter Hunt Suppliers Tuesday , June 27, 2023 W9 SOTA Association 10th Anniversary Event From Tim N9PUZ on the 4 States QRP Group io.group The SOTA W9 Association Indiana-Illinois-Wisconsin is planning an operating event on Saturday July 1st for the association's 10th anniversary . Multiple activations are planned for all 3 states . nbsp A certificate will be available for all activators in Indiana , Illinois or Wisconsin on July 1, as well as for chasers who make at least one contact with an activator in Indiana , Illinois or Wisconsin on July 1. An endorsement for the chaser certificate is available for contacting at least one station in all 3 states Indiana , Illinois , Wisconsin on July 1. How to find the : activators

  • The Small Magnetic Loop Antenna as a Solution to Noisy Environments

    Updated: 2023-06-27 19:10:26
    Here is what I found as I experimented with the electrostatic noise reduction property of the small magnetic loop antenna (SMLA).

  • The VK5 National & Conservation Parks Award

    Updated: 2023-06-27 07:13:58
    DX Resources/Ham Radio AwardsThe Award promotes portable activity from South Australia's National & Conservation Parks. This award follows in the tradition of other successful parks awards in Australia

  • Field Day +2

    Updated: 2023-06-27 04:41:00
    Pages Home Portable QRP Ops Morse Code Operating Mixed Media NJQRP Skeeter Hunt Suppliers Tuesday , June 27, 2023 Field Day 2 As promised , here is the video that I promised to show . here Some thoughts on lightning protection I don't have any fancy lightning arrestors in my shack . When the weather is threatening , I disconnect the coax . I keep one of these AcuRite portable detectors in our rec room , where I spend a lot of time . If there's a thunderstorm or a lightning strike within a 25 mile radius of the house , I can run downstairs and disconnect the coax , in the event that I forgot to previously do . so I brought it to Field Day and there was one time during our operational period that it sounded . We disconnected , even though we didn't hear any rumbles . After a few minutes of

  • 50 MHz J-Pole Antenna IK1ZOY

    Updated: 2023-06-26 07:51:39
    Antennas/6M/6 meter J-Pole AntennaA j-pole antenna plan with drawings and dimensions that can help you on building your own j-pole antenna for the six meters band

  • Websdr Polska

    Updated: 2023-06-26 07:51:39
    Internet and Radio/WebSDRRSP1A receiver with LoG (Loop On Ground) antenna in quiet QTH - southeastern Poland. Very low QRM!

  • Field Day - another one bites the dust

    Updated: 2023-06-26 00:28:00
    Pages Home Portable QRP Ops Morse Code Operating Mixed Media NJQRP Skeeter Hunt Suppliers Monday , June 26, 2023 Field Day another one bites the dust How was your Field Day experience First off , I hope you had one . Even with all the preparation , hard work of set up and tear down , it's still a fun and great experience . Being with some of your best friends for 24 hours , all doing the things you all love to do the most priceless The South Plainfield Amateur Radio Club had a very , very good Field Day . I don't know how our effort stacked up against previous years . I'm always a glass half empty guy in that regard , and then I'm usually pleasantly surprised when the results come out in December to find out that we did better than I had . thought The weather was cooperative for the most

  • YAESU beam controller to suit RigExpert WTI-1

    Updated: 2023-06-25 05:26:13
    Technical Reference/Antenna RotatorBeam Controller Interface Project. The control system will be via the internet and consist of a Rig-Expert WTI-1 interface which provides access to CAT commands, PTT, and Rx and Tx audio.


    Updated: 2023-06-24 20:27:11
    Operating Modes/50 MhzAmateur radio website dedicated to six meters band with dedicated pages on 50MHz propagation and DXing

  • How To Achieve Perfect PCB Soldering

    Updated: 2023-06-23 08:32:09
    Technical Reference/Soldering and DesolderingSurprisingly, although PCB soldering is the core process of electronics assembly, few people do know how to solder reliably

  • Not thrilled with the forecast for Field Day

    Updated: 2023-06-22 11:51:00
    Pages Home Portable QRP Ops Morse Code Operating Mixed Media NJQRP Skeeter Hunt Suppliers Thursday , June 22, 2023 Not thrilled with the forecast for Field Day The prognosticators are predicting a pretty crummy weekend . Thunderstorms and rain both Saturday and Sunday . Not ideal weather for Field Day and being in close proximity to . antennas Another club in our area is seriously considering calling off their whole effort , but SPARC is not . We treat this as a CERT activation for a real emergency , and under a real emergency you have to play with the cards you are dealt . If worse comes to worse , we'll just disconnect the antennas and wait for any cells to pass . nbsp One thing I will bring with me this year is my lightning detector . It can detect lightning strikes anywhere within a 20

  • 50MHz Sound Archive

    Updated: 2023-06-22 05:58:17
    Internet and Radio/SoundsThis page contains some sound clips of DX on 6m.

  • First Day of Summer - not a bad start!

    Updated: 2023-06-21 13:12:00
    Pages Home Portable QRP Ops Morse Code Operating Mixed Media NJQRP Skeeter Hunt Suppliers Wednesday , June 21, 2023 First Day of Summer not a bad start Summer officially starts today at 10:58 EDT or 14:58 UTC and that also means that today is the first day that you can sign up for a Skeeter number for the 2023 iteration of the NJQRP Skeeter Hunt . nbsp I started accepting requests at 12:01 AM O' Dark Thirty this morning and so far we've filled the first 53 . slots Just a recap of the major : points 1 The Skeeter Hunt is open to all Amateur Radio ops . With the sunspot number increasing , might we see a few DX Skeeters this year I don't know , time will . tell 2 This year , the Skeeter Hunt is on Sunday , August 27th from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM EDT or 17:00 to 21:00 . UTC 3 You do NOT have to

  • This is not good - continued!

    Updated: 2023-06-19 17:35:00
    Pages Home Portable QRP Ops Morse Code Operating Mixed Media NJQRP Skeeter Hunt Suppliers Monday , June 19, 2023 This is not good continued FCC servers are still down for maintenance as they have been since last Wednesday . nbsp After working in the professional photographic field for 29 years , I have been working in the IT field for the last 16 years . For 6 of those years , i was employed at a Data Center . In all my time , I have never seen server maintenance take more than one evening , two at the most . I am by no means an IT expert , but something seems amiss here . My gut hunch says something is going on here that involves more than just routine . maintenance Whatever it is , I hope it's resolved quickly . Our exam candidates from Saturday were all anxious to know when they would

  • Part of getting ready for Field Day

    Updated: 2023-06-19 00:24:00
    Pages Home Portable QRP Ops Morse Code Operating Mixed Media NJQRP Skeeter Hunt Suppliers Monday , June 19, 2023 Part of getting ready for Field Day Getting ready for Field Day isn't just the physical logistics . There are some mental logistics to get in gear , as well . nbsp The most important one of these for me involves using this app , which I keep on my : phone I set the speed at about 37 WPM or a bit higher and let her rip . Sometimes I consciously try to copy and other times I just let it play in the background to get my ears muscle memory back to where it should be . I find that doing this for a week or couple of weeks before Field Day helps tremendously , especially when I haven't been able to get on the air and conduct actual . QSOs CW Trainer by Wolphi LLC is not a freebee , but

  • International QRP Day +1

    Updated: 2023-06-18 18:14:00
    Pages Home Portable QRP Ops Morse Code Operating Mixed Media NJQRP Skeeter Hunt Suppliers Sunday , June 18, 2023 International QRP Day 1 Alas , I didn't get to get on the air yesterday for International QRP Day more about that in a bit but I did run across this interesting video courtesy of the K9YA Telegraph Facebook page . Facebooks IS actually useful for something I found it interesting , anyway Back to yesterday . I was at that W2QW RVRC Hamfest for which I posted the flyer a couple days ago . I got there at 5:00 AM to help park the vendors into their assigned selling spots . Then around 8:15 AM , I went over to set up and get ready for the VE . Session We had eight candidates in all . There were supposed to be eleven , but two called me on the telephone Friday evening to cancel

  • International QRP Day

    Updated: 2023-06-16 11:54:00
    Pages Home Portable QRP Ops Morse Code Operating Mixed Media NJQRP Skeeter Hunt Suppliers Friday , June 16, 2023 International QRP Day Tomorrow Saturday , June 17th 2023. The post a few below regarding the GQRP upcoming events was released specifically to coincide with the day . I am sure there will be a lot of SOTA-teers on the air tomorrow , as well as some POTA activations that may turn down the power . If you get on the air yourself , you might want to spot yourself and indicate that you're running QRP so that other QRP'ers can find you . A really VERY good place to do that is QRPSPOTS which is a valuable but yet very underused resource brought to us by The Four State QRP Group . We QRPers should really change that and make this our first go-to whenever we get on the air . There's

  • Upcoming GQRP events

    Updated: 2023-06-14 15:12:00
    Pages Home Portable QRP Ops Morse Code Operating Mixed Media NJQRP Skeeter Hunt Suppliers Wednesday , June 14, 2023 Upcoming GQRP events From Enzo : M0KTZ The GQRP Club invites all the QRP enthusiasts to a line-up of QRP activities , to salute the arrival of the new season . Details . below There will be plenty of puny signals out there , starting this weekend , so switch your rig on , get on the bands , fly the QRP flag , and have . fun 17th June , International QRP Day . Almost two dozens Club members will activate the Club callsign G5LOW England together with its regional locators GM5LOW Scotland GW5LOW Wales Gi5LOW Northern Ireland GD5LOW Isle of Man and GU5LOW Guernsey All bands , from HF to UHF , and all modes CW , SSB , AM , FM , and several digimodes throughout the day . Just look

  • This is not good!

    Updated: 2023-06-14 14:42:00
    Pages Home Portable QRP Ops Morse Code Operating Mixed Media NJQRP Skeeter Hunt Suppliers Wednesday , June 14, 2023 This is not good With a VE Session scheduled at the W2QW Hamfest this weekend , to boot We all know the speeds in which the government acts Slow , Stop and Reverse From the : ARRL FCC Universal Licensing System Applications Are Unavailable 06 13 2023 The FCC Universal Licensing System ULS which includes Electronic Batch Filing EBF used by VECs for new and upgrade license submissions and club license applications , Application Search , License Search , License Manager system used for filing applications directly with the FCC , Tower Construction Notification System , E-106 System , Antenna Structure Registration Online Filing and searches , TOWAIR and all ULS Specialized

  • Announcing the 2023 NJQRP Skeeter Hunt

    Updated: 2023-06-14 00:37:00
    Pages Home Portable QRP Ops Morse Code Operating Mixed Media NJQRP Skeeter Hunt Suppliers Tuesday , June 13, 2023 Announcing the 2023 NJQRP Skeeter Hunt The long anticipated announcement for the 2023 NJQRP Skeeter Hunt the 12th Annual , if you can believe that For all the details please go to www.qsl.net w2lj or go to the Skeeter Hunt page of this blog the next to last tab on the right located under the KX3 photo up at the top A few points to : remember 1 Due to a personal commitment , the Hunt has been moved to the 4th weekend of August the 27th , for this year only . nbsp 2 New Bonus Point Challenge for : 2023 Fifteen Skeeters have graciously consented to act as Bonus Skeeters . They have been issued numbers that are palindromes numbers that are the same forward and backward Skeeters 11,

  • Decision made

    Updated: 2023-06-13 11:55:00
    I've decided what I'm going to do with my second KX3, not that it's earth shattering news, or of importance to anyone but me. I'm going to keep it for now, but still order a QMX kit in the near future once I pay a few medical bills down to a manageable level.I'll live by that old Amateur Radio adage "You can never have enough radios!"After having the QMX and using it for portable ops for a while, I'll re-visit the issue if necessary.72 de Larry W2LJQRP - When you care to send the very least!PS: Here's the important news. Look for an announcement regarding the 2023 NJQRP Skeeter Hunt to come out tomorrow!

  • Coming this weekend - June 17th, 2023

    Updated: 2023-06-12 11:42:00
    , Pages Home Portable QRP Ops Morse Code Operating Mixed Media NJQRP Skeeter Hunt Suppliers Monday , June 12, 2023 Coming this weekend June 17th , 2023 If you find yourself in the greater Central New Jersey area , come and join us I'm no longer a member of the club , but I continue to help them out , whenever I can . The 10 Day weather forecast is calling for clear sunny skies with temps in the low 80's for next Saturday . I'll be there for 5:00 AM , helping to direct vendors to their parking spots and then running the VE Session at 9:00 AM . This is a great way to kick off Father's Day weekend 72 de Larry W2LJ QRP When you care to send the very least Posted by QRP When you care to send the very least at 7:42 AM Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest

  • Pondering the unponderable

    Updated: 2023-06-10 14:19:00
    Pages Home Portable QRP Ops Morse Code Operating Mixed Media NJQRP Skeeter Hunt Suppliers Saturday , June 10, 2023 Pondering the unponderable I never thought I'd ever do this , but I am pondering the thought of selling one of my KX3s . Specifically , the one downstairs in the . shack What I am seriously considering , is replacing that one with the KX3 that I use for portable ops , and then replacing that with the QMX from QRP . Labs I'd be giving up 17, 15 and 10 Meters , but then I can probably count on both hands the time I've used those bands in a portable situation . In the FOBB , Skeeter Hunt and other QRP events in which I operate from the field , the bulk of my contacts come on 20 and 40 . Meters I'd miss the auto tuner , but I do have an Emtech ZM2 languishing in the backpack that

  • Whew!

    Updated: 2023-06-09 14:16:00
    Pages Home Portable QRP Ops Morse Code Operating Mixed Media NJQRP Skeeter Hunt Suppliers Friday , June 09, 2023 Whew Earlier this year , when Marv K2VHW went to Borough Hall to reserve our place at Putnam Park for Field Day , he received some disconcerting news disconcerting for SPARC , that is . nbsp The town is proceeding with some improvements to the park . New pickle ball courts and volley ball courts will be built as well as a new shuffle board court and work out areas . In addition they will be refurbishing the handball and tennis courts that are in place . already Of course , this is a great thing for the town , but the downside is that the park will be closed while construction is underway . An additional fly in the ointment was that the Borough was uncertain as to when

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